Proven Best Practice To Speed Up Software Development Process

Amit Agrawal
5 min readMar 19, 2019


Every IT company’s CEO wants to develop software faster, and time is the most expensive and valuable resource, so you can’t waste it on rework, refactoring, meetings, or even sports. They want to become the best web Development Company.

So many custom software development companies grow up, go old, and then go bankrupt. A good pace of development is critical to survival. Imagine the following, in many cases; you have a very great vision. You are very convinced (of course, it is very difficult in reality, here is just an imagination, understand?) This product will definitely be warmly welcomed by the market; all you have to do is to achieve it.

In order to provide software more quickly, certain requirements must be met. Following are proven best practice to speed up the software development process:

1. Focus on the essentials

Businesses should consider outsourcing the development of basic functions such as HR or ERP by using pre-packaged software packages and SaaS-based solutions. This will give them the resources to develop applications that will help them stand out from the competition. These are applications that shape the customer experience of their customers, accelerate internal processes and promote innovation.

2. Integrate the whole company

In the departments are often employees who know exactly what is needed in their environment and at the same time understand enough of software development services to meet the needs of inappropriate solutions. This know-how should be used and the corresponding employees made into so-called “Citizen Developers”.

3. Support all developer types

This results in a central requirement for the development platform used. It should support the different types of developers that are found in custom software Development Company; from the more traditionally oriented programmer of code-based applications to the Citizen Developer who wants to develop via point-and-click.

i. Focus on the essentials: Outsource the development of basic functions such as HR or ERP

ii. Integrate the whole company: There are employees in the specialist departments who know exactly what is needed in their environment and at the same time understand enough about custom software as a service.

iii. Support all developer types: All programmers should be able to cope with the chosen development platform.

iv. Use PaaS solutions: The cloud-based development platform can greatly help speed application development and deployment.

v. Integrate mobile application development: Use a combined development environment for both areas that are for web and mobile.

vi. Automate data integration: Tap all data sources with suitable connectivity solutions.

vii. Consider the complete supply chain: Consider the custom software as a service: application development, user and app management, customization to different devices, and use in the cloud.

4. Use PaaS solutions

The concept of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), meaning the use of a development platform from the cloud, can significantly help accelerate the development and deployment of applications. Among other things, PaaS solutions ensure that the necessary infrastructure for new applications does not have to be set up by one, but can be used quickly and flexible as a service.

5. Integrate mobile application development

The development of web and mobile applications should not coexist in silos. Instead, it’s best to create a combined development environment for both. Service-based approaches such as API First provide consistency and enable the reuse of backend production logic across the web and mobile applications.

Bime: Bime is a state-of-the-art business intelligence solution offered on-demand for both entry-level and professional users.

Zapier: The innovative Zapier online service makes it easy to automate tasks and workflows across different online services.

Quick Blox: Quickblox is a promising BaaS solution (backend as a service) that allows web and app developers to easily implement video calls, text chats, push notifications and other interesting features in their own projects.

Cloud Control: CloudControl is a PaaS solution (Platform as a Service) from Berlin, which presents itself as a European alternative to the US heavyweights Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Co.

CocoaPods: With the open-source CocoaPods software, Mac and iOS developers have an efficient and elegant way to integrate third-party code libraries into their own projects.

Art text: The Windows 8 Art Text app quickly and easily creates buttons, text graphics, and app icons.

Navicat for MySQL: “Navicat for MySQL” is a professional and comprehensive database administration solution that runs natively on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Paymill: “Paymill” is a flexible payment solution that is specially tailored to the needs of software developers.

A5 HTML5 Animator: With the “A5 HTML5 Animator”, the software house Data Becker provides a sophisticated WYSIWYG editor for Windows, which simplifies the creation of modern web animations based on HTML5.

Hippo CMS: “Hippo CMS” is an enterprise-class, open source content management system based on Java and available for free in the Community Edition.

Google Web Designer: Google Web Designer is a new visual editor designed to create sophisticated HTML5 content, especially motion graphics and banner ads. As expected from Google, the tool is available for free.

Google Code Prettify: There are supposed to be programmers who can work with a simple editor and plain text. Most developers find it tedious to read code without syntax highlighting.

6. Automate data integration

Most applications require access to multiple data sources — both on-premise and cloud environments. Appropriate connectivity solutions can greatly accelerate the integration of these data into applications. The applications can then easily connect to a whole range of different sources.

7. Consider the complete supply chain

The focus of best web Development Company should be on the entire software supply chain. In addition to the pure development of applications, this includes the administration of users and applications or the use of applications on various end devices and in the cloud. The development platform used should therefore also automate the deployment, scaling, and management of the applications. The developers can then fully concentrate on the application model and user interfaces.

Conclusion- IT teams are feeling more and more pressure from their management, marketing, and sales teams and customers to develop and deliver applications faster. To keep up with this pace, they need the right strategies and powerful software development services.



Amit Agrawal

Amit Agrawal Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure Inc which is an custom software development company.