PWA Benefits for Magento E-commerce

Amit Agrawal
4 min readMay 7, 2019



Progressive web applications are the new topic of the ton for the enterprise e-commerce industries. These have made a different place in the market beside the native applications. Even though, it has its own limitations, it is highly referred by the companies in the business world.

The PWA development company helps the e-commerce industry to excel in the market. With the advancement of technology, the hybrid of the websites and the applications has together formed the Progressive web applications. In today’s generation, almost every person uses smart phones. The mobile applications are considered the best marketing tool in the business industry. The PWAs have widely spread in the business industry.

Every day, new technologies arrive the business market increasing the competition among the e-commerce industry companies. The progressive web apps of the e-commerce development services are practically developed on the magento platform. The combination of the PWAs and the magento platform can be a deadly configuration for any company.

Ways magento e-commerce industry can benefit from PWAs

· Benefit within affordable cost

It is not unknown that the cost of developing and maintaining a mobile application can be costly. The app developers need to develop various versions of the applications to support in both iOS and android devices. The regular updates are also need to be done differently for the two different platforms. The application stores these days contain millions of applications which makes it tough for the e-commerce industrial companies to stand out. The mobile applications can be a tough investment arena with no assured returns.

The Progressive Web App development service can be excellent options to keep the customers engaged. Instead of a mobile application, the companies can use special tools from online to develop a perfect progressive web application for the company. The codes used to develop a PWA can be used in any platform and there is no hassle of publishing it online.

· Customers can access it on any device

According to the e-commerce development services; the best thing about a progressive web application is that it can work on any device irrespective of the size of the screen. Since the PWAs are a hybrid of the applications and the websites, it can open as a web page in the mobile devices and does not depend on the size of the screen.

The PWAs are coded in the web programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript etc. Therefore, it is for sure that the users can access the web pages as long as they browse in the web. It is seen that 90% of the users turn away when they see that they need to download the application. PWAs are famous for no downloads, as it directly adds to the home page of the device without taking up any space in the device.

· Can run in bad or no internet connections

According to a survey done by the website development company, it is seen that the people these days spend most of their time on smart phones. The e-commerce industry can largely benefit with this. An average person is estimated to spend around 5 hours a day on their mobile phone. The sale on the mobile applications s higher than on any other website or desktop or browser. The maximum increase in the sales in the e-commerce industry has been noticed since 2017.

The Progressive web app development service can work on any device in very low internet connectivity. This attracts the users as they do not face difficulty while working or shopping online in a low internet coverage area. The catalogue of the sites is visible even without internet and the customers can continue their shopping.

· SEO friendly

To increase the sales in the website, it is important that the customers can find the site easily and access the shopping catalogues. This is possible only when the site is easy to locate in the browser. Search engine optimization is the way people find websites and pages on the internet. With the PWA development company applications, the SEO tools are automatically available to the e-commerce industry that helps them to stand out among other sites and pages in the internet.


According to the website development company, PWA website for the magento e-commerce industry can be highly beneficial for the any business. The cost of developing an application is saved and the assurance of the returns on the invested money is increased. Since the people are saved from the hassle of downloading the application, the sale is eventually increased.



Amit Agrawal

Amit Agrawal Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure Inc which is an custom software development company.