SaaS structure which make the basic concept of SaaS application development

Amit Agrawal
5 min readSep 30, 2020


SaaS stands for Software as a Service. This is basically a delivery model and also a software licensing where there is a licensing of software on a basis of subscription.

Moreover, this system is hosted centrally. Users are able to access it by seeking the help of a web browser. Saas development companies are growing day by day.

Basic knowledge about SaaS

It is said to be the most common delivery model which helps in the business application including messaging software and office, virtualization, and management software. Basically, there are two varieties of SaaS and they are Vertical SaaS and horizontal SaaS.

Vertical SaaS- Vertical SaaS is the software that helps in answering the specific industry needs that is software for agriculture, healthcare, finance industries, real estate, etc.

Horizontal SaaS- This is the product that keeps the focus on the category of software like sales, marketing, HR, developer tools, etc. However, they are industry agnostic.

There are various benefits of SaaS that are given below-

  • Maintenance is zero.
  • Efficiency is excellent.
  • Scalable in nature.
  • Automatic updates are there.
  • High-level security for data.
  • Can integrate with any existing software.
  • Accessibility is very easy.
  • Improves customer relationships.
  • It provides substantial opportunities for organizations of different sizes for moving the IT from a cost center which is reactive to a proactive nature one.
  • Integration can be executed and planned with a very minimum effort, therefore creating a very short time for valuing intervals that is possible for investment in major IT.
  • A risk-free test drive for the software is also made possible which is free to use for 30 days. This enables the customer to try the software before buying it.

The SaaS architecture is having two arts and they are single-tenant and multi-tenant. The major difference is that these applications are able to serve single or multiple customers and that is also at the same time.

Single Tenant

A database as well as software for each tenant is used by a single-tenant architecture. This means that the clients are not able to share applications or databases between them. This is because all are having their instances of their own. A specific design is there for single-tenant architecture. This design is very unique as it allows only a single instance for every single SaaS server. This also helps in enabling people for building every piece of software for each and every client and that is also purposefully. The clients are able to change their UI when there is a local installation of the software. This helps them in customizing the software for fitting their needs in a particular environment. However, it won’t be possible for them in accessing the underlying code.

Now the most important point to keep in mind is that Single-tenant architecture is having the feature of getting adapted to cloud computing services. So if any person is using a private cloud or even a third-party cloud then it’s the single-tenant system in most of the cases.


The comparison between single-tenant and muti-tenant is pretty straight forward. I f a person is having knowledge about the single-tenant architecture then he or she can explain the multi-tenant one very easily. Multi-tenant can be said as the architecture where the software application’s every instance in serving multiple clients or tenant. In the case of the multi-tenant, all clients will be sharing the same application and database information whereas in the case of single-tenant the tenant was having their own database as well as application.

This multi-tenant is said to be the best solution for every business that wishes for having start-up experience as well as when the hardware requirement is low. People must also know that the multi-tenant architecture helps in allowing the user for making customizable changes that are significant in nature and that is within the software. The single tenancy is more costly when compared to its counterpart. However, the architecture of multi-tenancy is having a good usage of resources and potentially the computing capacities are larger. The maintenance cost for the multi-tenant architecture is also not very costly.

Benefits of Multi-tenant and single-tenant

  • Reliability and security- In the case of the single-tenant there will be the isolation of the client’s data from any other customers and this means that no one is able to access the sensitive data of others. So the single-tenant architecture is more secured and reliable when compared to a multi-tenant architecture.
  • Overall costs- Various exchanges are provided by Multi-tenant architecture and that includes the exchange of services, database, resources, and applications and so the cost for implementing it is very much lesser when compared to a single-tenant architecture. Because of the presence of fewer implications the scaling is very important. The new users are able in accessing the software similar to that of the original buyers. This proves that the customers do not have to spend any extra amount for updating the software. The maintenance cost is included in the subscription of SaaS and so the cost is also low there as in case of single-tenant they are charged for a single case. Custom software development company hire perfect developers in order to reduce the cost of the client.
  • Environment migrations which are self-hosting and computing capacities- Multi-tenant allow the organizations in staying in a similar data center and infrastructure and so the clients do not add more server capacities and computers. With the help of single-tenant SaaS architecture, the client is able to move form Saas application to others because of the environment which is self-hosting. It is very easy as there is a storage of all information in a place that helps in allows the process of secured export as well as transferring data into a different environment.


It must be kept in mind that there are pros and cons for both the single-tenant as well as multi-tenant architecture. So the client must be wise enough to choose the perfect one for themselves. From researches and collected data, it can be said that multi-tenant is a very good choice for business which are not working simultaneously through the operating environment which is same. It is also important to have a basic knowledge of cloud application development.



Amit Agrawal

Amit Agrawal Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure Inc which is an custom software development company.